
Building Blocks
to Better Babies |
Programs and Services
- Outreach: Outreach Workers are in our service area communities to identify pregnant
women, particularly those at high risk, to begin the process of linking them to care.
- Case Management: Our Case Managers are experienced Social Workers with a broad range of knowledge of community resources. After completing several assessments, the Case Manager and the client develop a care plan designed to meet the woman's specific needs.
The Case Manager monitors the care plan throughout the pregnancy. After the birth of the baby, the relationship continues until the baby turns two years of age. During this period of time, the Case Manger assists the mother in caring for herself and the baby.
- Health Education: Education services are offered to our Healthy Start participants and the community at large. Courses focus on prenatal and postpartum issues, as well as child development topics. Community education is designed to increase awareness of
infant mortality and its contributing factors.
Education is provided in both individual and group settings.
- Interconception Care Services: To help ensure a good pregnancy outcome, Healthy Start staff work to identify women with medical illness or unhealthy behaviors during the interconception period. Interventions strategies include education and counseling
about the risks of unhealthy behaviors, appropriate treatment, pregnancy planning and
early entry into prenatal care.
In addition to the services identified above, Healthy Start provides free pregnancy testing and transportation for enrolled participants to both medical and social service appointments.